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Luoyang Innovation Materials Co., Ltd.

Luoyang Innovation Materials Co., Ltd.

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22 2018-03

Guo Guanghua, the representative of the

According to Chinese Securities News reported on March 11th, that the National People's Congress, chairman Guo Guang...

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22 2018-03

The molybdenum concentrate fell to a rec

In recent years, the price of molybdenum concentrate in China has been in volt, but the overall trend of the price is lo...

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22 2018-03

Rising demand for molybdenum market at h

The demand for the Asian molybdenum market is active, and buyers from China enter the market, and the prices have risen ...

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22 2018-03

High price trade in the deep market of m

High amplitude molybdenum market original offer up to 1410 yuan / ton of cash and 1430 yuan / ton price of acceptance af...

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Luoyang hi tech Zone, Xin Dian Town, Bai Ying Village





Luoyang Innovation Materials Co., Ltd.

Address:Luoyang hi tech Zone, Xin Dian Town, Bai Ying Village
Routes:Take the 966 way to the white camp and get off

National 24-hour service hotline0379-65199695 13373780006